Monday 2 January 2012

What Ive Done

stay up all night drinking with guests, sleeping 3 hours then cleaning the chalet for 7 hours. My stamina is finally back, poor show the last couple of weeks but now im on it again :D

That said I didnt get up today due to cleaning ( that and the its rained for 48 hours and the "snow" is shit, I can be picky now :P) from 9 till 4, damn change over! but hey ho the guests that left gave us all a nice tip! Which is good as it helps towards the monstrosity of a bar tab I racked up...and mine was the cheapest haha. So were all abit broke still....

Anyhow for days like this I leave a few pics just incase so I dont run out basically therefore today you can meet the crepe guy. original name right. I speak to him in franglais and he replies in english, quite amusing and we get to practice!, that and the crepes are actually damn good plus theyre cheap in comparisson to pretty much everywhere else!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun!! Crepes Mmmmm I want some...
    Think everyone is broke this month, and the!! Take care love ya xxxxx
