Saturday 7 January 2012

Twist and Shout

I hit up Mont Chery again today, definitely my favourite place, full of untouched powder and it was quiet. Meaning I spent the day learning how to ride in the deep stuff (or fly in some cases, had some speed!) :D which I can now 99% of the time do! however there was the odd flip here or there due to stacking it but hey ho! Looked spectacular to the people on the lift as my front flip/roll through the snow hd me land back on my board so I just continued haha

Sadly the snow seems to have stopped again for about a week. hopefully less! Which is all good as tomorrow is definitely a rest day as I currently feel like an old man aching everywhere haha. So some beer to end my epic day in the powder in Buddha will end the day nicely. 

As such ill leave you with some idea of the less deep areas of the pow pow (deepest was about knee high)

Oh and because im feeling nice here is a pic of some mountain in yesterdays whiteout.

1 comment:

  1. LOOKS ACE. Not surprised you ache, get some rest lol!! Love ya xxxxx
