Thursday 5 January 2012

Ha Ha Ha Whiteout

an actual total whiteout today! couldnt see anymore than roughly 10ft around you let alone where the slopes were going. was plenty of close calls today with trees and drops. That said the fresh snow aka the pow pow was amazing! so totally worth getting soaked and having my clothes actually freeze. 

That is all ice. My hood was frozen into shape, least that all broke off to some extent when I moved. Only froze because of the wind though, it was insane, never before have I actually been blown across the slope sideways, let alone actually be blown over on a slope. Was like dominos with all the snowboarders and skiers stacking it due to the wind. But the whiteout in all fairness was pretty freaky, so many times I thought I was centre of the slope and suddenly found myself in a snow bank or near a tree. There was less than 1/4 of the lifts open up there. Thats how crazy it was :P

That was the clearest part of the day, the first run of the morning. after that even the red person would of vanished when the weather turned.

Oh talking about close calls with stuff, got way to close to a tree was trying to stay offpiste so I could actually see. I managed to knock some snow off a buried branch and it came flying up at my face and with some crazy ass matrix style dodge I just missed it from slashing my face, nonetheless it did catch me (im not that skilled) and it knocked my goggles off and scraped my chin, thank fuck I had a mask on as it could of been more than a scratch. You should be able to see a red graze, starts under my chin and carries on.

That can be added along with the bump the size of Texas I have on my head no thanks to slipping on some black ice last night and smacking my head into the road. Lovely way to end my night..

Anyway I shall leave you with a very bad pic of myself and just how much I need new gear as the wind and snow had a field day..

1 comment:

  1. great blog! Good to know ur enjoying yourself but think your silly for even going on slopes with the weather that bad, there is a reason most lifts are shut!!! Not worth risking your life for! (yes I'm nagging again!!)That said pics are good and it was lucky you did not get hurt more. Was that last pic what you looked like when you got back? Drowned! It looks like a blizzard out there, seems wind is bad everywhere lets hope it eases soon but dont send any snow this way yet will ya? lol!
    Take care love ya xxxxx
