Saturday 21 January 2012

Do you see what I see?

absolutely fuck all I hear you say, me too! this is what I mean by a whiteout, this was this morning but it did clear up abit however this was all I could see for a while.

The amount of people shouting for their mates asking where thay were was crazy. Did kinda come out of nowhere though but hey ho was all good fun, meant there was plenty of pow to go play in!

So as it was a pow day it meant you could do all manner of daft stuff and land in cotton wool which is brilliant! so we found a 6ft+ drop off (heck of alot higher than me so...) and had some fun! Was amusing to hear the amount of people cheering for you to do it or even just doing it..was good fun! soo heres me hitting the drop off..

Needless to say I never actually succesfully landed them :P but the videos of this are being saved for a later date. Tomorrow ill show you the rest ive got but for now its beer time, tooodles!

1 comment:

  1. wow it is a whiteout!! Try get better closer pics of you next time that could be anyone lol!!! Though you can catch a bit of orange on ya hat and ya bindings/boots lol!!! love ya xxxxx
