Wednesday 25 January 2012

I should be so lucky

just a quickie as I want to go out! My helmet is fooked, tried removing the buckle and chin strap and it just all fell to pieces so I will be buying a new one on top of new goggles! becoming a damn costly month this, only wanted to buy bindings!! least I have my new goggles lined up, arrive in attack attack on friday so fingers crossed its still cloudy tomorrow haha, so far so lucky...though I use that loosely as my luck had blatantly gone to pot with my goggles and helmet dying on me.

Anyhow my lovely shiny new board is no longer looking so new, still shiny though! it took a battering on a road today (Mont Chery has a run that requires you to go over a road, its basically someones driveway) but that said I was flying and there was bugger all snow on the road resulting in some horrid noises and battle scars. So a repair job is in order in the morning, whats more annoying is it was only waxed last night and Ive got to do it again now!

Oh hell yeah to top it off on the lift home, I apologise to skiers now, nothing against you in the slightest. However, there was a large group of old overweight snobby ass skiers blocking the run off the lift resulting in a skier on the chair before me plowing into a few of them, sending them tumbling like bowling pins. So which that action going on infront I had to try and squeeze round but a kid skiing across the lift line to his dad cut up our chair so everyone tried to stop and I had nowhere to go meaning I was scooped back up on the chair and shoved across till I was able to jump off. Once I was free of the chair the kid was back and I slid out on my ass so I didnt hit him and some poxy ass skier, fitting the same stereotype previously mentioned had the audacity after seeing everything that just happened, to shove his poles in my back moaning how I was in the way and what a stupid place to stop. At this point I had enough so in a nutshell I "politely" told him where he could shove those poles after stabbing me in the back with them, told him to open his eyes and look around at the carnage of people infront of him. As that little spat ended the poor guy that had previously plowed into the skiers was getting full on shouted at by those he took out and the rest of that delightful group. So they also got a mouthful off me about how they are blocking the lift line and that they bloody well deserved it. Turns out they didnt like that and got on there merry way shouting something about youth today ... dictionary definition of C*** twat. Least the guy who took them out was greatful of colourful speech. All about making friends eh :P 

anyway im off out hoping my luck will change so I can win a snowboard. fingers crossed!

1 comment:

  1. BLOOMIN CHEEK OF THE MAN, SHOULD HAVE TOLD HIM YOU WOULD HAVE HIM FOR ASSAULT!!That said hope you're ok? Those skiers are idiots, fancy standing in front of the chair lifts, they deserve what they got!! Obviously the boys parents have never taught him about safety on the slopes!!!
    Hope your board is ok babe?
    Oh nice way to make friends lol!!!love ya xxxxx
