Thursday 12 January 2012

Let Down

I check the delivery status of my boots, I found they are here, its like christmas im all excited, get them outta the box, the look amazing start unlacing them and read US9. fuck, they sent me the wrong damn size! So after having waited four days for them I had to waste my day emailing them and trying to get them mailed back so they would send the right size out! So a post office trip was involved fun! As I speak franglais, well I might add, trying to mail them on recorded delivery was an interesting task, the woman spoke as much english as I did french. However, in the end, they are going somewhere and some new ones are on there way. least I assume so, DHL have yet to email me a tracking no, be checking on that in the morning and i can almost garuantee I wont see the right pair until tuesday. So needless to say, my day was wasted and I got nothing from it, other then temporily being 30 euros poorer. what a bitch.

Good job I was out yesterday otherwise the only picture I'd have to share would be the damn french mail receipt I had to email to the store that cocked up. 

As I was on the long run home again where I took that awesome picture a week ago or so. You blatantly know the one as its actually good! I tried to take another from a different location, not as good due to lens flare, but I like it nonetheless!

Also check out this guys job! shovelling snow off a roof. he may of started from the outside, I definitely would of worked my way through the top peak of the roof as that could slide off at any moment, clearly wouldnt but you know, and at least then you could actually try and push it off for a mini Avi, far easier.

1 comment:

  1. Ah ya mean ya didn't take a piccie of ya boots???

    Its a bummer but the guy was very apologetic and admitted the fault was his so hopefully wont be too long before they arrive.

    Lovely pic again, I agree with you about the roof one lol!!!

    Take care stay safe love ya xxxxx
