Wednesday 14 December 2011

The Final Countdown

The cleaning is almost over! I am beyond sick of any shampoo/steaming machine that I never want to see another one again! The bastards create more work rather than making it easier. As such I was going to share a video I took of someone running the park during some competition a couple of days ago as Ive not been outside today to tell you whats going on, other than its been pissing it down with rain for a good day 1/2. So theres snow out there, somewhere...but after two hours its failed. twice! so instead here is a pci of my snowboard with its shiny new sticker.

Its also Chalet Eira (eh-ra, welsh for snow I recently learnt) 10th birthday tonight, so free bar is equalling a piss up. going to be sweet!

1 comment:

  1. Oh you cant miss that one but then I NO you wont lol!!! love ya xxxxx
