Wednesday 28 December 2011

only happy when it snows

 well thats not true as im having a wicked time but thank fook its snowing tomorrow/fri as its now pretty icey, that and everyone goes home next week so can have the mountain back to ourselves, winner! So as its meant to snow from tomorrow, it was pretty much the last day of glorious sunshine, which is all well and good, but I didnt come for snow I came for snow dammit!

anyhow as a vast majority of the day was spent drinking vin chaud (hot wine) on the slopes as my board needed edging so it was a pain on icey conditions, I didnt take many pics, that and my camera needed charging. 

However! I have seen the best onesie someone could possibly where on xmas day thus ill share that pic with you today:

oh yes, Toni (not a y as it is a girl) the tiger on a snowboard. It was faux fur too, crazy shit! that and the full face helmet has me curious as to what/where the hell she was going?!

anyhow its my night off plus tomorrow too, score! so I need a top up!

also, watch this movie im yet too but nonetheless, watch it!

1 comment:

  1. ORIGINAL! Bet she looked great on the slopes?

    Glad you're havin such a great time love ya xxxxx
