Saturday 31 December 2011

Bonne Annee

Happy New Years folks! have a goodun! ill try and not be ripped off on entry costs here, its like they think its new york, standard bars are asking 20 euros for entry alone. cheeky beggars! but its all good, ive scouted a free place and its english so I dont have to rely on frenglish once trashed, which I will be in a good couple of hours :D already on the way. Mostly thanks to this mug full of Jeager!

Oh yes. it is what it looks like. Au Revoir.

Friday 30 December 2011

Party (body)rockers in the house

I dunno cant remember (lyrics) anyway this is a one pic only deal tonight got a 50th birthday going on and its actually a pretty mad party thanks to all their kids, winner! so must go "work".

A shit load of snow came today, hurrah! no mor freaking ice but theres moguls bloody everywhere. boo! thus itll be epic tomorrow once its all groomed. Annoyingly ive had the luxury of the kid stopper on the chair lifts to most peoples amusement, in fairness mine too as ive tried to prove it wrong, and failed so far. dammit!


Thursday 29 December 2011

Rolling in the Deep

deep snow...I wish! thats tomorrow, today was just a little sprinkle, tomorrow is going to be a dump day! thank fook for that as im sick of the ice patches!

no real amazing pics taken today as it was practically a whiteout with the clouds but no real snow annoyingly but hey ho! bring on monday though when everyone has fucked off and I dont have to wait 20 odd minutes to catch a lift. A freaking hour it took today just to get across to where I wanted to be, Hadnt even strapped myself to my board in that time, annoying!

My other grievance is im now actually developing a hate for old/middle aged fat skiers. Mostly down to me racing (30mph plus) along the ice flat and  a fat middle aged skier looks at me, then cuts me up clips the front of my board and I face plant the ice. Pleased I was fucking not. took me 10 minutes just to get catch some breathe and see straight again, and to make sure I was actually alive and not imagining stuff etc. utter wanker!

Anyhow, anger aside, I have respect for these skiers who are currently using a half built chalet as a snow playground, they have built a run/jump up the center wall with cameras and fog lights filming it all, so far it looks pretty damn cool! kinda want to try and join them haha

other than that, not alot is going on so ill leave you with some pics of the last day or two:


Wednesday 28 December 2011

only happy when it snows

 well thats not true as im having a wicked time but thank fook its snowing tomorrow/fri as its now pretty icey, that and everyone goes home next week so can have the mountain back to ourselves, winner! So as its meant to snow from tomorrow, it was pretty much the last day of glorious sunshine, which is all well and good, but I didnt come for snow I came for snow dammit!

anyhow as a vast majority of the day was spent drinking vin chaud (hot wine) on the slopes as my board needed edging so it was a pain on icey conditions, I didnt take many pics, that and my camera needed charging. 

However! I have seen the best onesie someone could possibly where on xmas day thus ill share that pic with you today:

oh yes, Toni (not a y as it is a girl) the tiger on a snowboard. It was faux fur too, crazy shit! that and the full face helmet has me curious as to what/where the hell she was going?!

anyhow its my night off plus tomorrow too, score! so I need a top up!

also, watch this movie im yet too but nonetheless, watch it!

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Come on Skinny Love

ive tried for a while now to upload some stuff and its failed miserably so im sticking with one image only tonight actually scrap that, two! and thats the christmas tree we had! twas huge! originally stood at roughyl 12-14ft and it didnt even fit in the highest point of the building thus it was chopped and it was still fookin huge! Ignore the fact i actually make the tree look small...angles and what not, the other pic gives a good size comparison!

Btw check out the width of the base, a good 4/5ft was chopped off the bottom so imagine the width of that beast! 

Anyhow it was me, Susie and Ruby (chefs/kens daughter) that decorated it with a variety of ancient ones desperately needed, we resorted to making stuff haha.

Monday 26 December 2011

cake or death

Straight to the point here, Chartruese is actually the death shot, Id rather be on absynthe all night than actually have another shot of that. Though everyones facial expressions of horror, disgust etc are amusing. digestif is right to a point as all you wana do is vom. 

Nonetheless secret santa was good :D got a chocolat snowboard lolly off Susie wth abit of a pun over her winning the snowboard! but as she felt guilty I also got a t-shirt I wanted from attack attack, score!


Everyone else pretty much got alcohol so it was all good all round haha. last minute shopping was taken to the extreme by Simon by buying Susies present on xmas day haha christmas doesnt really exist up here like I said, just another day. But Susie got new bindings for her new board...still not jealous honest :P

 Its also about time I actually introduced you to a majority of the team!

Simon (owner) with some "old man" slippers or socks, cant remember.
Lynn, with a picture of chips and a cake server..she likes her food.
Ken (chef) with a good ol' bottle of red.
Michelle with a bottle of champers
everyone else I will introduce yourself too tomorrow as for now dinner service is over and my bar shift continues!

Sunday 25 December 2011

Woody Allen Jesus

firstly listen to this as Tim Minchin is hilarious!

secondly MERRY CHRISTMAS! hope everyone is having a good one :)

got some ace presents so thankyou  mum, ian, tom and especially my sister toyah, as without her buying my flights/insurance for christmas/birthday I wouldnt actually be in Morzine having an epic time, so thanks sis! greatly appreciated.

So even though im in the alps, I still didnt officially have a white christmas! granted its white everywhere :D however it didnt snow, technicalities and all that bull haha instead its been gloriously sunny here, literally not a cloud in the sky!

 The night slope had some fireworks going off last night, so heres my attempt at trying to get a photo haha


blurry as hell but hey ho!

So even a few thousands metres up im still celebrating christmas as best as I could with a christmas shred with some tinsel haha. Merry Christmas everyone, im off to go serve food and drink and get erm very very "merry".

Friday 23 December 2011

You dont dance to tecno anymore

Just another quick one, as per usual :P as all I want to do right now is sleep. Therefore todays update is the damage to my board and the bodge amazing job I did at repairing it.

this is actually after the repair, so still not perfect, never will be now but as you can see the edge has bent in and in turn that created a bubble in the base. Was roughly a good haff cm deep, what a bastard! so I clamped the hell out of it like so:

which pretty much pushed the rail back out to the point of the first image. So least its useable now! need to get new boots and bindings so I can ride my new board! dont technically need either but my current boots are crippling and the bindings are not far from last legs :P

Thursday 22 December 2011

I like it like that.

All of these post titles btw are songs, so up to you to figure out what they are :P

No idea if Ive mentioned this or not before but I cant be arsed to check. Ive found my favourite bar! The Tibetan aka Bhudda Bar, its awesome, snowboard movies constantly playing, looks like youre in Asia, shame its so expensive haha. So I mentioned Mont Chery and the trek it takes to get there. Look at the picture below and in the background is Les Gets, to get there you have to go up the mountain next to it, Pleney and ride down onto Les Gets,  you have to ride down that into the town, walk through town catch a bubble lift and you get dropped off half way up Mont Chery! A trek!

Les Gets town is pretty cool, instead of free buses they use pleasurebeach trains! whatever works I guess.

Now thats the dull stuff out of  the way, check out some of  Mont Chery

Annoyingly I need to go fix my board as it had a fight with some stairs and lost...

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Its going to be a long night

because its my day off/morning off too, im going out to get trashed meet people! as such this will be a very short post. The snow is still epic and still falling, check out this:

there is another beam and a half under that. Thats actually the deck/balcony out the dining room of the chalet, with a drop off of about 10 -12 ft the other side, Not that that matters as theres plenty of snow for a comfy cushion. as I found out this morning for a abit of a curiosity test :P killed a few minutes!

Anyhow Ive found my favourite mountain, Mont Chery, the runs on that are absolutely amazing, best of all, no one goes there as its a little out of the way, thus sweet pow for me :D

On my way to said mountain I found a sweet untouched tree run, which is basically a cavern, you wouldnt know unless you went trekking, Bloody good though! There was just one real gap amongst the trees and one little tree got buried in all the snow.The skiers face when I came flying out of those trees was brilliant, he hadnt a clue haha

Like I said im off out to spend a small fortune no doubt :( costly place but hey ho, shall update you with some other stuff tomorrow. toodles.

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Shovelling in the Snow

So the videos I left my computer uploading crashed out so nothing got uploaded yesterday, which means Ive lost the challenge, which has pissed me off haha. But to account for the stupid failure here is a fair few pics. Sadly as of yesterday and today I have nothing exciting to share, over than THERES SO MUCH SNOW!! freaking tons of it not been this much in 10 years. Going to be an amazing season.

Although this has meant digging the drive everyday, 10 times in 5 days ive done it, today I didnt even get to ride due to removing all the ice :( but tomorrow! its my day off and there will be lots of awesome pictures!

Oh hell! Went to a Capita party (snowboard brand for those with no clue) presented by attack attack, was a raffle to win a free board and I was 1 freaking number out! but Susie (previous post) won it with no.92 I had 93, lucky girl! clearly chivalry doesnt pay off as we got the tickets on the door and she went through first...chivalry can now die, not bitter at all haha honest.

but for now, enjoy what some of the ones Ive taken over the last few days you have yet to see!

So the damn video has finally uploaded, nothing amazing yet but figured you may want to check out part of a run I did. Not had chance to edit it yet, so tilt your head :P

oh and my new sticker/moto for every sesh courtesy of my new favourite store.

Sunday 18 December 2011

Its this much, honest!

Its official, as official as the words of many return seasonnnaires is, there has been more snow here in the last week, than the entire of last season! Which is just abit epic :D has meant ive shovelled the drive, twice today..

Anyhow I can finally say ive been in real powder, off piste etc and im shit learning haha. Tiring but so much fun!  Snowdomes sure as hell do not prepare you for anything like this. not at all. 
still struggling to upload videos atm, and dinner service is up! so heres a pic of todays crew from my sesh Susie and Rory.

Saturday 17 December 2011

I wana crawl back in!

So yeah this is abit of a late one due to just finishing my shift on the bar, been there since 5pm and im up at 7am for the breakfast shift. ah well shit happens, least thats the last time itll happen! Its also a quick one as i refuse to lose the daily pic challenge so im staying up just to type this!

Remember all that talk of snow I muttered on about in my last post? well this is how much was there this morning, bare in mind that railing had nothing on it yesterday.

That made for such an amazing sehs today at times i was literally digging myself out of stuff just to get going again. That and I looked like a snow man once I got off the Lift, and to top it off it snowed all day till about 2 hours ago. so its going to be pretty sweet tomorrow! 

I do have videos and other interesting pictures to show you, but that will all come in some big post tomorrow. for now I need to sleep. Shattered is an understatement.

Friday 16 December 2011

The weather Guru

So earlier I mentioned hail, then some aforementioned possibility of snow. well it is currently dumping it down, even if the lifts are closed again, urban rails it is!

Ride Another Day

The lifts, for the first time in no idea how long, even my boss cant remember when and hes lived her for 10 years, the lifts were closed today. ALL OF THEM! its been a sad day. A meter and half has settled up top and all I can do is look. More annoyingly, tourist office is adament itll happen again tomorrow. Even more annoyingly, its bloody gale force winds/pissing it down in Morzine thus there is no snow for me to be able to even have an urban sesh. 

However as I literally type, the skies have opened and the sound of hail is thundering through the chalet, give it an hour or two and itll be snow, tomorrow urban sesh may be on the cards! FUCK YES! 

I was going slightly insane getting cooped up inside with nowt to do, as a result shopping happened and as my gloves are utter diabolical and useless Ive forked out on a sexy new pair! Originally 120 euros got them for 65, bargain! that said im sure my bank wont be pleased I used my card but hey ho! They are the don, goretex and all that! ill never feel wind or rain again haha!

Check them out!

Oh got an Attack Attack sticker too (stickers stickers stickers!!!), I love that store! I will grace you with an image when I remember!

So yeah this post may not have been the most thrilling, but fuck all has happened so what can I do? 
Happily/worringly, the bar is open in the chalet and drinks are near to half price (dependant) for us staff and we each have a tab...that could be the best mistake thing ever haha.

Thursday 15 December 2011

Dont worry....abouta ting

Bob Marley is blasting through the chalet sound system, Its throwing it down with thick glorious white snow and im full of turkey. First time the chef cooked tonight being the official chalet season start an all and hoooolly shit! Im not leaving the food was THAT amazing! And the severe cleaning is over! life is just sweet right now. Just need a beer...or many.

Anyway lets put how much it its snowing into context, this is Morzine yesterday:

and this is Morzine around the same time today:

and it hasnt really stopped all day, just got abit smaller and then thicker and so on. So the mountains are going to be epic tomorrow, though word on the grapevine a majority of lifts are shut, like today, due to wind. As such a big fucking trek is in order as im not missing out on this!

Only one "downside" to the snow (not a downside I get to go out and play) is we have to shovel the drive! though more snow is probably thrown at each other than actually shovelled. hell whatever works :P

Granted, its definitely alot thicker now than it was 9am this morning but gives you an idea :P

Right, time to find that beer..

Wednesday 14 December 2011

The Final Countdown

The cleaning is almost over! I am beyond sick of any shampoo/steaming machine that I never want to see another one again! The bastards create more work rather than making it easier. As such I was going to share a video I took of someone running the park during some competition a couple of days ago as Ive not been outside today to tell you whats going on, other than its been pissing it down with rain for a good day 1/2. So theres snow out there, somewhere...but after two hours its failed. twice! so instead here is a pci of my snowboard with its shiny new sticker.

Its also Chalet Eira (eh-ra, welsh for snow I recently learnt) 10th birthday tonight, so free bar is equalling a piss up. going to be sweet!