Tuesday 14 February 2012

The internet died.

The useless internet died so hence no post, but I have fixed it! (obviously otherwise you wouldnt be reading this :P)

but you havent missed much, half term is on us, so the next two weeks the mountains are over run with skilless goons with their children and who love to push their child infront of you whilst you flying down the flats, oh theyre so wonderful! worst of all is the lift lines! oh my god its worse than new year, least that was just a week. It has taken me on average half an hour to get on a lift to anywhere! just because people are constantly falling off them, theres kids and they need to be run slowly....waiting for over half an hour to get the lift home just sucks. Oh!! the skilless goons/punters whatever the hell you want to call them have an amazing knack of barging you out the way so they can squeeze into a non existent gap and climb all over your board/skis whilst doing so. A few people got shouted out for digging their bloody pole into my board. So christ knows what pics youre gonna get the next week or so (probably cheese, yes most likely cheese) as every seasonnaire Ive been speaking to is essentially calling it quits during this time. Its just no fun.

That was only half of them it only got bigger!

and just because...

Sunday 12 February 2012


I cleaned. alot!nowt else to say :P

But just read this and find it as amusing as I did/do:

(now yes I know what its on about, but put it into context of where I am and how good the season is....)

Oh I also 180'd up on the top of this mound and back down today. That is all.

Saturday 11 February 2012


I cannot do them. Yet! ive only tried twice and neither were greatly succesful but thanks to an airbag its going to bloody well happen! only go two runs as a skier broke it haha, granted he only knocked the tube out of the fan but nonetheless it took ages to get it going again and I didnt have time to wait due to work. However, I now know when its open so Ill be there religiously learning everything I possibly can!


Thank fuck for airbags!

Friday 10 February 2012

its freaking cold again!

yesterday it was around -1/-5 and it feltlike the tropics, I know right, crazy! annoyingly its dropped back down to god knows what. Also found out the windchill alone last sat up one of the mountains was -43, now thats fucking cold. 

anyhow, I didnt get up today due to changeover, worse being it happens all again sunday with even more rooms. damn! but I did service my board so its all shiny and new again for me to abuse im sure.


Thursday 9 February 2012

Snip Snip Boom

Who watched the videos yesterday?? did you enjoy.??  Well I can now explain the last one abit more. The reason I think no one does that tree run is there isnt a run off, just a drop! some pretty shallow overs fully vertical but that depends on where you end up and how far you go haha. I obviously went on for ages (untracked powder, who wouldnt) and ended up with a couple of drop offs. The video is of one about 12ft if it snowed recently im sure it would actually be rideable but as the piste bashers have been through alot its carved right out and no one wants to jump from that high onto flats. 

Anyway that was the first drop off, the second I never got a chance to film as I actually needed to climb out and drop! basically it was vertical for about 9ft and had a roll off at the bottom for a few more ft. I couldnt just slide down like the previous one as there were rocks and what not. So handily there was a tree/spruce growing just below me so I had to slide to that swing out like Tarzan and then just drop the 9 ft haha, Bit off when youre just hanging off a branch knowing the only was is down.

Annoyingly the pictures dont do the drop any justice but Ive tried to capture it as best as I can

The orange arrow is pointing at the top of the drop off where I was sitting and the purple is the tree branch I used to swing out of. Now you should be able to see thats quite far up into the trees...

this picture im now standing on the piste but you can see the gap in the trees where I came out of.  I dropped roughly 9ft down onto the snow (bottom of the trees) and slid on my ass the rest of the way down haha. Absolutely great fun! So I am definitely claim that tree run. cant wait to try it on a powder day, may be able to ride all the way out :P

On a side note, I succesfully cut my hair today,  It was abit of a state. Freaking hour it took! but that said genuinely wouldnt believe I did it myself, hurrah!

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Tree Run Fun

Finally got out today! Found some amazing untouched tree runs, seeing as everywhere is tracked this was an amazing find, so I spent the day in the trees, where they are, I aint saying as theyre mine, Im claiming them!, its just that damn good! aside from the 12ft drop at the end...kinda have to slide on your ass for that haha.

 As such I actually have some vids for you to watch. Currently unedited so you will be turning your head sideways alot im afraid. Tree run fun in the sun!! im still stoked about this find, its made my day!

Seems the videos dont want to upload here which is bloody annoying so have youtube links to them instead!

watch these videos and tomorrow ill explain more (i gotta keep you coming back :P)

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Somebody I used to Know

 Firstly check out GOTYE - SOMEBODY I USED TO KNOW on youtube, its an awesome song.

the internet still sucks. Think its a certain person downloading 20+ bloody films...greedy sod!

anyhow didint get up today, BOOOOO as I had a ton of changeovers to do which took forever. But as im on brekkie I should, with some luck if the guests play nice, be able to get out early. So I can nail that trick, learn some other tricks and end the day at the tremplin DnB night! its a plan that shall succeed!
I do have a pic for you! its abit crappy as its a pic of the full moon and street light. What I was trying to catch was the fact its a clear sky and a full moon yet its snowing! thats just how cold it is in Morzine right now, the moisture in the air this low has turned to snow. crazy stuff.

Did warn you it sucked, was taken on my phone, but hey ho its what happens when you spend the day cleaning rooms.

Monday 6 February 2012


The net is sucking tonigh so this will be the shortest post ever in hopes itll finally upload.

its still very cold.

Still havent stomped that trick, though incredibly close!

wish it would snow again as its been tracked all weekend and is now becoming icy.

the wind is back, did I say it was cold?? brrrr

Sunday 5 February 2012

Its only gotten colder!

oh and ive probably bruised my lower back, stupid box. but anyway -25!! the door hands were frozen on the inside! crazy cold. Did it deter me going up?? Obviously not as i stacked it and landed on my back/hip, hurts like a bitch now :( nonetheless ive removed the burs from my board and Ill be owning that box tomorrow! 

Oh hell nearly got the tail block down now, getting sooo close! tomorrow is the day I can feel it. Im spending tomorrow in the park, its going to be my new home!

Anyway, as it was -25 wrapping up to the extreme was in order, it helped but it was still damn cold on a chair lift with the wind blowing.

 The face mask genuinely began freezing due to my breath and cold air so it froze to the shape of my face haha. But as you can see im rocking the new goggles and helmet! still slightly pissed as the first time I used them the lense got scratched by a clumsy ass skier. Seriously youre making it hard for me to like you... watch where your swinging your planks. jeez.

Although its not snowed in a couple of days still plenty about, these buildings are not far of from vanishing haha

And just because I took them...


Saturday 4 February 2012

Still freaking cold!

People in england can moan about -6 but try -15/ - 23 then talk to me about being cold haha and thats with the sun out with clear skies! Sadly I didnt get out today as its just too cold to ride, either get stuck on ice or your eyes feel like they freezing over. But didnt mean I didnt do anything.

Instead I spent the day learning how to tail block, after getting over the initial worry of breaking my board (remembered I have a two year warranty, win!) I decided to get on with it. Almost can do it but not yet! anyhow this is what I am attempting. Determined to have it down by tomorrow.

OH btw got a shout out on the Billabong Air and Style, right chuffed with that :D

anyway I cant cop out and use a google image so heres one I took earlier (whey blue peter jokes)

Friday 3 February 2012

A thousand needles of pain

thats how bloody cold it was and thats what it felt like, a thousand needles being shoved into your face.

So yes, fucking cold. that is all.

Thursday 2 February 2012


its currently -19 degrees and my god its fooking freezing, but its gonna get colder. ah well ill soon aclimatise and when it warms up again itll be like being in the tropics haha.

anyway I gotta be up in 5 hours for breakfast. fun fun so in a nutshell:

Its still snowing bits here and there so plenty of pow about

Room cleaning all day so I didnt get to ride today. Booo

bought a new helmet (finally) and have a ton of stickers to decorate it with.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Mazel tov Cocktail

Took me hours to remember that song! (title) dont you hate it when you knoe the tune but neither the band or lyrics. Makes googling utterly pointles. Anyway, the snow is still amazing, its still all powder despite it being tracked to mogul hell but still great fun! 

Right! my birthday, erm what to say...I was given/bought copious amounts of shots off guests and bar staff and my boss. Thus the night did swiftly become a blur but I do remember the cavern bar being full of men. (manzine liviving up to its name there) genuinely didnt see a single girl in there, so I quickly left haha. Sausage fest much?!
Shame my birthday fell on a monday though as everywhere shuts damn early :( but I did get a 3 layered birthday cake!

Didnt get much riding time in on monday but made up for it on tuesday second bus of the day till last lift (therefore today I am shattered but went up nonetheless, ill sleep in summer haha) benefit of riding on tuesday is that monday dumped a load of snow thus as I said its powder heaven atm! Which means, as I dont really stick to the piste in these conditions everywhere was becoming my playground, mostly the snowbanks beside the piste.

that guy is on the actual piste but if you look at the snow behind him youll see a couple of lines on the snow bank. Now originally there was only one but I never stopped and took a picture after I first did it and because I started it others followed. However! this very top line is mine! the parallel one that suddenly goes vertical haha. Great fun that snow bank, steep to get up but once youre up theres a fun little kicker to hit at the bottom if you flatline down back onto the piste. looks pretty sick if your flying through all the pow pow :D

Prior to hitting that bank though ive now started just hitting the line from the lifts down onto the run, ill try and get a decent pic of that so you know what I mean, but basically its lots of snow, damn steep, full of moguls and damn good fun. Thanks to that and the tons of snow tht dumped it down I was literally going over some trees and through many, as the pic below shows. You can see some people on the piste and how high up I am on this "run". Its pretty weird riding through the tops of trees!

Ooh saw this person today, the actual definition of the highlighter jacket. You can spot her for miles!

Anyhow im off out as I just got paid and well not alot else to do on a night off other than embrace it :P so Enjoy thhese pics of the snow.


With that last picture there are alot of trees like that so ive had a few snow showers when flying under them and the snow dropping unexpectedly haha.

Tuesday 31 January 2012

The weather is sweet

Im calling it, my birthday has bought a ton of snow, it started yesterday and its pretty much never stopped. Avoriaz is burried in powder! its amazing! So wish I had a GoPro so I could film my riding, its getting sick! I literally had people stop and watch the line I took up a huge snow wall/bank. This was a proud moment for me haha!

That! and I very nearly pulled off a BS180. full rotation there just didnt quite land it :( but hey ho, first ever attempt and first actual trick, better still it was BackSide not FrontSide, the harder of the two. Never did Start on the easy option haha.

Anyway Im actually falling asleep at the laptop so a full update will come tomorrow (day off woo) last nights drinking/birthday escapades coupled with a whole day session up the mountain has knackered me out. Therefore im leaving you with just this picture tonight.

Somewhere in some trees in Avoriaz. A whole playground to myself.

Monday 30 January 2012

Its My Birthday

and its gonna be messy! so no time to chat im afraid, ill update you all tomorrow! so enjoy this picture taken from the top of Pleney, I hope I previously havent uploaded this, if so fail on me haha.

Btw facebook friends, like a pic i uploaded so I can win a Gopro, or buy me one, either is cool :D

Sunday 29 January 2012

Flying high

Today wasnt AS good as yesterday due to it generally being a whiteout but Ive been here long enough to know which runs will be good regardless so I had a blast nonetheless :D its becoming a playground now, where I want to go Im going. happy days!

Sadly my helmet has truly met its end as my repair was shattered in a tumble and the part was lost into the abyss soo thats the end of that. Im becoming sick of replacing my equipment now haha. AH well, helmet shopping tomorrow! good job its pay day!

Anyhow no specific images to show you today so have a ganders at some various ones.


Saturday 28 January 2012

Fly Like an Eagle 2

Well I promise another update of todays shinanigans. YES! there was a ton more snow and it was glorious. However, what made it all the sweeter was it was dead! people assumed it was a whiteout and pissed off to Les Gets, but I knew it would be clear in Avoriaz and it was. So quiet slopes and lots of snow, what more could I ask for?! Riding in it was amazing, no sound you just glided through it :D

So sticking with the moto of all or nothing I really did push it today as a result I think I banged my head about 3 times ( who knows it was once too many :P ) all on really stupid things though, not where I was actually trying new stuff. Strange. But me pushing it was securely having switch down even though im like beginner slow haha and powder tree runs. All good fun! though another close call with the tree runs resulting in a scratch on my waist and nearly falling down a hole haha.

Annoyingly, what this image fails to show is only my toe edge of my board is in snow the rest is just hanging in the air. That and it fails to show any depth as it looks like im standing in snow, whereas I can assure you It was abit of a drop into the tree itself. As I couldnt climb up without sliding down a tree branch and a Tarzan swing got me moving again haha. The random places I end up.

This is the remainder of the tree run after my "mishap", what line I took, I dont know as I was jumping off stuff and shooting off all over the place So I have no idea haha.

The clouds were low, but the visibility was great aside from the odd moment where it did whiteout for a couple of minutes, so you either pressed on or waited it out.


Finally! finally! found some untouched powder, never normally finish work early enough to get out there and make the first lines however today I did. Sadly I only got one decentish picture the others show nothing. but here is my line! (sad I know but I dont care :P)  OH what the picture doesnt show is all the zig zags through the trees, but theyre there, honest!

So that was today Ive said alot and probably told you nothing haha but hey ho, its how it goes. Anyway enjoy these couple of pics I quite like!


Fly Like and Eagle

today was hands down, the best day of the season for me so far. twas epic. However as im on the bar and need to work tonights main post will be late. So for now/until then you can enjoy the view from the chalet this morning. Btw, look at the last post and look at the contrast :D gotta keep you interested in this blog somehow so laters!

Friday 27 January 2012

All or Nothing

Firstly, check out the Xgames tribute to Sarah Burke, very well done! A fitting tribute! http://www.freestyletv.net/xgames/x-games-sarah-burke-tribute/

annoyingly I didnt get up again today, paryl due to it being a total whiteout, not actually seen clouds so low in Morzine yet this season and mostly because I didnt finish work till early afternoon and had to start work again 2 hours later. how shit was that?! whats worse is tomorrow is change over day so I probably still wont see the slopes...that said im getting up early and getting on it just so I can at least try to get out tomorrow. Im going to go insane otherwise!

But this is how low the clouds were in the Zine.

Aside from that annoyance my helmet is fixed, well kind of. The chin strap clip is broken as it falls out all the time unless its done up! so just gotta remember that when I take it off, blatantly need a new one but at least I got one till I can afford another. Better still though, I have some shiny new goggles and am going to pick up some wrist gaurds tomorrow, I have a feeling im gonna need them. As im done with cruising around theres a park with my name on it and im gonna go live in it and not leave until I have something worth shouting about. Could be a while there :P Time to get bloody damn good. Its what I came here for.

Anyhow check out my amazing new goggles and the funky box they come in!


And finally, just cos, heres Morzine at night.