Sunday 5 February 2012

Its only gotten colder!

oh and ive probably bruised my lower back, stupid box. but anyway -25!! the door hands were frozen on the inside! crazy cold. Did it deter me going up?? Obviously not as i stacked it and landed on my back/hip, hurts like a bitch now :( nonetheless ive removed the burs from my board and Ill be owning that box tomorrow! 

Oh hell nearly got the tail block down now, getting sooo close! tomorrow is the day I can feel it. Im spending tomorrow in the park, its going to be my new home!

Anyway, as it was -25 wrapping up to the extreme was in order, it helped but it was still damn cold on a chair lift with the wind blowing.

 The face mask genuinely began freezing due to my breath and cold air so it froze to the shape of my face haha. But as you can see im rocking the new goggles and helmet! still slightly pissed as the first time I used them the lense got scratched by a clumsy ass skier. Seriously youre making it hard for me to like you... watch where your swinging your planks. jeez.

Although its not snowed in a couple of days still plenty about, these buildings are not far of from vanishing haha

And just because I took them...



  1. wow, are those chalets occupied, they're well insulated lol!!

    Sounds like more time is needed in the jacuzzi! Try and rest ya back when possible to avoid further injury.

    Anyhow other pics fab as usual, lovely pic of you, you look like a beetle/fly with those goggles lol! Glad ya keeping wrapped up tho, cant imagine how cold -25 is its cold enough here at -3-6!!!

    Take care and keep safe
    love ya xxxxx

  2. -3?! thats like the bloody bahamas right now in comparrison to here. Funily enough my back/pelvis/hip ( dunno) hurts in warmth haha as snowboarding today I didnt even notice it.
