Wednesday 1 February 2012

Mazel tov Cocktail

Took me hours to remember that song! (title) dont you hate it when you knoe the tune but neither the band or lyrics. Makes googling utterly pointles. Anyway, the snow is still amazing, its still all powder despite it being tracked to mogul hell but still great fun! 

Right! my birthday, erm what to say...I was given/bought copious amounts of shots off guests and bar staff and my boss. Thus the night did swiftly become a blur but I do remember the cavern bar being full of men. (manzine liviving up to its name there) genuinely didnt see a single girl in there, so I quickly left haha. Sausage fest much?!
Shame my birthday fell on a monday though as everywhere shuts damn early :( but I did get a 3 layered birthday cake!

Didnt get much riding time in on monday but made up for it on tuesday second bus of the day till last lift (therefore today I am shattered but went up nonetheless, ill sleep in summer haha) benefit of riding on tuesday is that monday dumped a load of snow thus as I said its powder heaven atm! Which means, as I dont really stick to the piste in these conditions everywhere was becoming my playground, mostly the snowbanks beside the piste.

that guy is on the actual piste but if you look at the snow behind him youll see a couple of lines on the snow bank. Now originally there was only one but I never stopped and took a picture after I first did it and because I started it others followed. However! this very top line is mine! the parallel one that suddenly goes vertical haha. Great fun that snow bank, steep to get up but once youre up theres a fun little kicker to hit at the bottom if you flatline down back onto the piste. looks pretty sick if your flying through all the pow pow :D

Prior to hitting that bank though ive now started just hitting the line from the lifts down onto the run, ill try and get a decent pic of that so you know what I mean, but basically its lots of snow, damn steep, full of moguls and damn good fun. Thanks to that and the tons of snow tht dumped it down I was literally going over some trees and through many, as the pic below shows. You can see some people on the piste and how high up I am on this "run". Its pretty weird riding through the tops of trees!

Ooh saw this person today, the actual definition of the highlighter jacket. You can spot her for miles!

Anyhow im off out as I just got paid and well not alot else to do on a night off other than embrace it :P so Enjoy thhese pics of the snow.


With that last picture there are alot of trees like that so ive had a few snow showers when flying under them and the snow dropping unexpectedly haha.

1 comment:

  1. Great pics again. Love the orange jacket!!!

    cake looks yummy...

    stay safe love ya xxxxx
