Tuesday 14 February 2012

The internet died.

The useless internet died so hence no post, but I have fixed it! (obviously otherwise you wouldnt be reading this :P)

but you havent missed much, half term is on us, so the next two weeks the mountains are over run with skilless goons with their children and who love to push their child infront of you whilst you flying down the flats, oh theyre so wonderful! worst of all is the lift lines! oh my god its worse than new year, least that was just a week. It has taken me on average half an hour to get on a lift to anywhere! just because people are constantly falling off them, theres kids and they need to be run slowly....waiting for over half an hour to get the lift home just sucks. Oh!! the skilless goons/punters whatever the hell you want to call them have an amazing knack of barging you out the way so they can squeeze into a non existent gap and climb all over your board/skis whilst doing so. A few people got shouted out for digging their bloody pole into my board. So christ knows what pics youre gonna get the next week or so (probably cheese, yes most likely cheese) as every seasonnaire Ive been speaking to is essentially calling it quits during this time. Its just no fun.

That was only half of them it only got bigger!

and just because...

Sunday 12 February 2012


I cleaned. alot!nowt else to say :P

But just read this and find it as amusing as I did/do:

(now yes I know what its on about, but put it into context of where I am and how good the season is....)

Oh I also 180'd up on the top of this mound and back down today. That is all.

Saturday 11 February 2012


I cannot do them. Yet! ive only tried twice and neither were greatly succesful but thanks to an airbag its going to bloody well happen! only go two runs as a skier broke it haha, granted he only knocked the tube out of the fan but nonetheless it took ages to get it going again and I didnt have time to wait due to work. However, I now know when its open so Ill be there religiously learning everything I possibly can!


Thank fuck for airbags!

Friday 10 February 2012

its freaking cold again!

yesterday it was around -1/-5 and it feltlike the tropics, I know right, crazy! annoyingly its dropped back down to god knows what. Also found out the windchill alone last sat up one of the mountains was -43, now thats fucking cold. 

anyhow, I didnt get up today due to changeover, worse being it happens all again sunday with even more rooms. damn! but I did service my board so its all shiny and new again for me to abuse im sure.


Thursday 9 February 2012

Snip Snip Boom

Who watched the videos yesterday?? did you enjoy.??  Well I can now explain the last one abit more. The reason I think no one does that tree run is there isnt a run off, just a drop! some pretty shallow overs fully vertical but that depends on where you end up and how far you go haha. I obviously went on for ages (untracked powder, who wouldnt) and ended up with a couple of drop offs. The video is of one about 12ft if it snowed recently im sure it would actually be rideable but as the piste bashers have been through alot its carved right out and no one wants to jump from that high onto flats. 

Anyway that was the first drop off, the second I never got a chance to film as I actually needed to climb out and drop! basically it was vertical for about 9ft and had a roll off at the bottom for a few more ft. I couldnt just slide down like the previous one as there were rocks and what not. So handily there was a tree/spruce growing just below me so I had to slide to that swing out like Tarzan and then just drop the 9 ft haha, Bit off when youre just hanging off a branch knowing the only was is down.

Annoyingly the pictures dont do the drop any justice but Ive tried to capture it as best as I can

The orange arrow is pointing at the top of the drop off where I was sitting and the purple is the tree branch I used to swing out of. Now you should be able to see thats quite far up into the trees...

this picture im now standing on the piste but you can see the gap in the trees where I came out of.  I dropped roughly 9ft down onto the snow (bottom of the trees) and slid on my ass the rest of the way down haha. Absolutely great fun! So I am definitely claim that tree run. cant wait to try it on a powder day, may be able to ride all the way out :P

On a side note, I succesfully cut my hair today,  It was abit of a state. Freaking hour it took! but that said genuinely wouldnt believe I did it myself, hurrah!

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Tree Run Fun

Finally got out today! Found some amazing untouched tree runs, seeing as everywhere is tracked this was an amazing find, so I spent the day in the trees, where they are, I aint saying as theyre mine, Im claiming them!, its just that damn good! aside from the 12ft drop at the end...kinda have to slide on your ass for that haha.

 As such I actually have some vids for you to watch. Currently unedited so you will be turning your head sideways alot im afraid. Tree run fun in the sun!! im still stoked about this find, its made my day!

Seems the videos dont want to upload here which is bloody annoying so have youtube links to them instead!

watch these videos and tomorrow ill explain more (i gotta keep you coming back :P)

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Somebody I used to Know

 Firstly check out GOTYE - SOMEBODY I USED TO KNOW on youtube, its an awesome song.

the internet still sucks. Think its a certain person downloading 20+ bloody films...greedy sod!

anyhow didint get up today, BOOOOO as I had a ton of changeovers to do which took forever. But as im on brekkie I should, with some luck if the guests play nice, be able to get out early. So I can nail that trick, learn some other tricks and end the day at the tremplin DnB night! its a plan that shall succeed!
I do have a pic for you! its abit crappy as its a pic of the full moon and street light. What I was trying to catch was the fact its a clear sky and a full moon yet its snowing! thats just how cold it is in Morzine right now, the moisture in the air this low has turned to snow. crazy stuff.

Did warn you it sucked, was taken on my phone, but hey ho its what happens when you spend the day cleaning rooms.